Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lab 12 - Georeferencing and Life Lessons in Frustration

Honest assessment for this lab.

Life, end of semester, and other factors have forced me to complete this lab a week late.  It is what it is and I take full responsibility.  All in all the georeferencing and use of ArcScene was pretty easy to get a grasp of.  Sometimes getting the right links to transform your images can be tedious, but it isnt hard.  It's actually pretty neat how you can get a polygon layer to line up to the raster using this tool.  As you will see in my first map, everything turned out great (or so I think).  However my frustrations and lack of available time to redo pretty much the georeferencing of the south raster has driven me mad.  Here is what happened.  I completed my first map.  Saved my working file and created a final file as well and then closed ArcMap.  I opened up ArcScene and added the necessary files to the layer.  However my south campus raster was nowhere to be found.  It lost my transformation data.  I opened ArcMap back up and sure enough, the south map information was lost.  Due to my time crunch, I then just took the snapshot from ArcScene and you will see how that at least turned out.  Again, I take responsibility for it, but sometimes redoing the entire project isnt worth the frustrations it causes.  So, enough ranting, here are my maps for the week:

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