This week focused on using two different image spectrum to analyze and determine what features we are looking at. Sometimes you cant determine what something is in one spectrum, so it is helpful to look at it through different lenses to really see what is what. One example in the lab this week was finding a bright white spot in a thermal image that is surrounded by dull greys and blacks. Through thermal imaging alone, you cant really tell what it is. You just know that whatever it is, it's emitting a lot of energy. By looking at the same point through a multispectral lens, you can then see the smoke coming off the ground and therefore infer that you are looking at fires of some sort. Just one example of how different spectral bands can help paint a full picture for analysis.
So for this weeks project I chose to use Spencer Field, a Naval airfield that is just north of Pace. I chose to show a comparison between the thermal and multispectral images to show just how different things look, but how they also stand out in their own rights. The full description is in the map below. Enjoy!!